Bricklebrit Games was started by a small group of close friends who wanted to bring a variety of entertainment to this often chaotic world. It began as a Podcast covering the much-beloved Grimm's Fairy Tales, and from there, we branched out into all things folklore.
When making Bedlam, we wanted a game that was easy to learn for first-time players and offered a challenging strategy for hardcore gamers. Our game has no "board," so the size is limited to your imagination (and table).
Versatile game tiles allow you to collect resources and fend off enemies, coupled with a fantastic mix of Move, Action, and Instant cards, ensuring that every game of Bedlam will be different from the last.
We love fairy tales and playing board games, so we tried to merge the two. Many of the characters and settings in Bedlam come directly from Grimm's stories and other folklore we've explored and hold a special place in our hearts. Aaaahhhh…
Bedlam the Board Game…
Soon to be renamed “Bricklebrit”
Many good people worked with me on this board game. We did many things right, like the artwork, game mechanics, and playtesting. Yet, I failed at the business, social media, and popularity required to succeed.
Let's give this another try. Coming Soon?
Purging unwanted board games can be a liberating experience, freeing up space for new favorites and ensuring each game on your shelf gets the attention it deserves. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you streamline your board game collection.